So I've been blabbering about Gerard and its amazing hot chocolate with marshmallows for a while now.. and although I admitted in one of my comments, on Tamara's blog that I've been staying away from delicious food and chocolate for a while , trying to control my eating habits , which by the way have been drastically ruined during the past summer , Ramadan and the two weeks after Eid , yet , today the temptation was stronger than what I can handle !

I thought it would be okay for me to order hot chocolate this time, since I did not had much food during the day, so I needed the sugar and the calories – you know.. In order to survive- and ordered my sweet hot drink. You can see the picture DOWN.
The place was full as usual, so I held my precious drink with both hands, and sat outside. It was a cold night, yet all my sensations were warming up with every sip I take of this heavenly sweet condensed drink, and my heart was dancing and bouncing to the flavor of every marshmallow piece melting on my tongue ... ahhhh .. SUPER!
And since I believe that such pleasures should be shared, I took few pictures while the lovely staff was preparing our orders. Now my favorite is the chocolate fountain they have, I swear to God that first time I saw it , I had that childish desire to stick a finger under the running chocolate "falls" and tasting it ,and went further in my dreams into filling a cup and drinking it right there . Does this sound normal , or do I sound like choc-psycho ?
And since I believe that such pleasures should be shared, I took few pictures while the lovely staff was preparing our orders. Now my favorite is the chocolate fountain they have, I swear to God that first time I saw it , I had that childish desire to stick a finger under the running chocolate "falls" and tasting it ,and went further in my dreams into filling a cup and drinking it right there . Does this sound normal , or do I sound like choc-psycho ?

Another picture for ice cream cones dipped with chocolate and nuts, I've always wanted to have one of those and fill it with 3 scoops of ice cream, but every time I get that thought, I bury it, knowing that I'll probably end up having to work out 3 days in row to burn it! I wish If I can be less freaked out about this calories- burning thing.. ah.. pity.. I envy people with high metabolism rates !

Looks like I'm heading there right now!!
Mmmmm , u made my stomch secrets its juices 3al fadi !
Qwaider take me with u !
Chocolate Fountain
The building of chocolate fountains can be a piece of art depending on the styling and size of the fountain. The selection at the top of most dessert lists for upscale parties is the chocolate fountain with an assortment of items to dip in it.
Danah was at the dentist for a check up. With much tutting the dentist examined all her teeth. Finally he announced crossly "Young lady, you've been eating far too many sweet things, several of your teeth need filling"
"Oh goody" she replied happily, "Can I have chocolate filling please."
Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew you Gaza !!
Bidish Dawla..Bidish 7okoma..Bidi choclate with Marshmallows !!
LOL .. Qwaider & Dar I am warning you .. the drink is pretty much heavy .. and works out only for chocolate lovers ! .. make sure to tell me how was it if you really went for it ;) ..
Thanks for sharing that piece of info Christine :) the idea of having it in a party sounds YUMMY ! .. and welcome to my blog
I am a chocolate lover ... not an addict Abdullah :) .. though chocolate filling sound really yummy with .. umm .. say a cake ! lol
Sharifo .. I didn't know how to respond to that .. Keep Gaza .. keep the Dawla .. and I guarantee you a ten places will open there just like Gerard .. if you ever passed by Amman .. you should drop by it and have some :)..
khalitini aro7 a3mil mug of hot choco :)
Yummy, Hot Chocolate sounds great right now!! Thanks for sharing.
Arab Lady and Summer
Hot chocolate always sounds yummy and great :) .. enjoy yours !
Salad House was really close too! why didn't you go there?
wa3, I envy people with high metabolisms too, bs jad great photos and a SWEET post : )
Wallahe ya Tamara .. el temptation kan a2wa menni .. ma 2ederet ! lol .. :)
I guess we are destined to work out for the rest of our lives ! .. eah ...
dana...any one told u that u hv to work with comercials?u r great when it comes to describing is hot right i could not thing of a cup of hot choco..but 4 sure i want ice cream..
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