March was a total madness , out of 31 days I spent a little over two weeks traveling between more than 5 cities and three continents.
Went to Cairo , Beirut , Damascus , Dubai , Lahore and Islamabad .
Being on the road is really tiring , despite the fun of seeing things from a different angle , and trying different life styles and atmospheres , getting to know people of different cultures , but still , its very unstable .
We arrived to UAE two days ago , had a meeting in Abu Dhabi , stayed in it for the whole two days . the city is nice , a lot of towers , wide streets , many of you are probably familiar with that city style , yet it misses the coziness I simply love in Amman.
Anyway , for the past two nights , after finishing with our business meetings , we went on walks in the city , and visited two of the pronounced malls , however each time , I reach when its almost the closing time , so I did not get to do any shopping , which is somehow better for my pockets !
Right now I’m in the Dubai’s airport , thinking to check the duty free after finishing this post .
I have not blogged for a while , neither checked any of my favorite blogs , its just that one becomes anti-laptop when you connect the laptop to work all the time. So usually , the free hours you get are spent somewhere away from the work tools .. anyone can get my idea here ?
Anyhow , I guess I’ll finish here and call it a post . gotta run and check the duty free before the take off :).
Allah ya3tiki il 3afyeh!! hehe...7amdillah 3asalamtik, hope your trip back home was safe and comfortable! you did a lot of travelling, which I consider "healthy" every once in a while:)
A friend of mine has become a pilot, and only recently he started getting used to it, first he thought it's just so tiring and unstable, but now, he got used to it, and just loves it!!
anyways, I missed yr posts, glad you are back:)
Wallah ... Bint Battouta...
7amdillah 3al salameh :)
Hey Nido :) Allah ysallmek ya rab .. o y3afeeky kaman :) .. well .. its not THAT healthy .. but I guess I am coping to it like your pilot friend .. I started to feel too comfortable with aiports , that some airports I know better than some places in Amman .. the bad part though is plane food .. !
Allah ysallmak ya rab :) .. shayef ballah ! .. my uncle calls me sindebad(eh) .. lol .. thanks for passing by my blog :)
I quit my previous job because I had to travel a lot, it started causing some problems at home, so I chose a more stable job. Now that I don't travel anymore, I kinda miss all the thrill at airports and seeing new faces and new cities.
Good to have you back blogging!!
the Pakistan post is interesting, i would have liked to read more about the food and shopping if you got to do it! always fun to travel for me since i do not do business!!! i get to do a lot of sight seeing and do fun stuff! hope to read more from you. take care and welcome back again!
hhhmm cool walla..so sorry that u didnt have the chance to explore Dubai & its shopping experience :)..personally i hate Abu Dhabi ,,,but yalla mishan heek UAE kanat 3am et dawi ;)
just out of interest, how much does it cost for one hour of internet use in the airport?
and toosali bil salameh
I know what you mean .. I thought- still thinking- of that several times.. especially at some points where I no longer was able to handle the pressure and unstability .. but I try to remind myself that nothing comes easy .. :) .. so far I'm hangging in , despite the 1000 I thought to quit ..
Thanks Summer :) .. yes I'll be blogging more about Pakistan soon inshallah .. I still have few things to write about :)..
ArabLady :) UAE emnawreh be ahelha :) dayman .. Yeah .. I did not get the chance to explore much .. I guess I'll have a better chance in next visits inshallah ..
Well , it depends in Queen Alia Airport , you get a one hour use , through the 24 hours for JD's ! in Dubai's Airport , it was totally free . in Cairo's it was free but I was never able to catch the signal ! so I guess .. it depends .. :)
And Allah Ysallmak ya rab :)
Miss you Danah :)
May allah bless u and guard u..
wainik Danah?! Hope you are ok! waiting for you to post again:)
hope u r enjoying traveling. I used to..but now I dont...I enjoy settling down ; maybe because am not now. I find it very hectic especially when u are staying a short period in each city..
Danah, Wishing you a blessed Ramadan. May God grants you forgiveness and acceptance.
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