Sitting on his bed.. with both hands resting on his knees .. Gazing into the emptiness of the blue sky ahead of him .. Thinking that its only a matter of hours and she'll belong to another man.. a stranger whom only knew her for few months .. and whom now is justified to hold her , kiss her and dance with her .. While he would be lucky if he got to shake her hand anymore.. he closed his eyes .. laid on his back folding one hand behind his head and putting the other on his chest somewhere near to his heart .. diving into a sea of sweet innocent memories with her .. she was his cousin .. and she was his childhood companion and the infant love of his seventeen years old heart .. they all lived in one big building with their grandparents on the ground floor , while his father and each one of his uncles inhabiting one floor of the six story building .. he was one year older than what she was .. a year difference was huge back then .. when they all were little children .. and when he was her guardian angle .
They had a lot of cousins .. one big noisy loud funny young gang they were .. they all used to gather and play in the garden till late midnight time in the summer .. and in school nights they used to go down to their grandparents just after they finish their homework and circle around their teita ,, while she was telling them those wild stories of ogres ,Genies and the treasure chests .. she used to sit next to him and burry her little head in his chest whenever she is scared of the tale .. and he used to put his little arm around her shoulders to grant her a better sense of security as long as she was by his side .. Then when its bed time and they all climb the stairs to their houses and beds , he would dream of saving her of those ugly ogres and finding the treasure ... and she was always by his side .. whenever they went to the nearby store for some chips and gum , he would always grab her hand and keep her to the inner side of the road, away from cars .. he simply felt obligated and responsible of her ..
Years passed .. and they grew up .. she was blossoming .. turning into this divine young woman .. while he was struggling unsuccessfully to hide those annoying squeaks of his semi child semi masculine voice .. they were not allowed to play closely anymore .. and she was spending more time with the older female cousins now .. away from the other cousins and away from him .. yet .. whenever they were all together she used to keep close to him .. until last winter .. he was on his way out to meet a friend .. when he noticed two ladies with a young man whom he did not recognize approaching the gate .. he did not give it a lot of thought and went on his way .. a week later .. her engagement was announced ! a news that came as a falling rock on his head .. he couldn't believe his ears nor his eyes .. she was only sixteen ! and she was getting engaged to a 27 years old man .. and he cannot do anything about it ! he has no car .. he has no job .. he has no house .. and above all he is still a student .. whom is deprived of his love ..
Aware of the horns noises outside.. he opened his eyes .. and slowly got up from his bed .. he put on the suite jacket .. took one last look in the mirror on his pale face .. then stopped by his drawer .. opened it .. grabbed that yellowish old photo of her sitting on his lap ten years ago .. Registering in his mind that this was the closest he ever got … and that he lost her .. forever.
Akh ya danah ... :'(
Such an amazing story. Of course in the west there is no such a thing as cousins getting married. So such sentiments were not going to be understood at all
The story is wonderful. I loved reading every word .. Seriously ... I don't know why I felt so touched, maybe it's the she can never be with him ... part :'(
:) Thank you very much Qwaider.. i agree .. people in west wont get the theme of story ..
by the way .. some parts are inspired by true events ;)
asalam 3alaykom,
I loved the way you wrote it..i saw it happen!!
thank you for sharing such a sweet yet heartaching story.
Your writing is absolutely amazing…you give us the sense that we are there with them …amazing and unfortunately happens all the time .
the caller and Tamara
Thank you both for your lovely sweet comments =) glad you liked it ..
u r talented
u simply made my tears fall on my cheeks...dunno why, i guess it is so touching...thank u and thanx quwaider u told us about it....
Afaf :) ..
welcome to my blog .. glad you stepped by ..
awww that was a very sad story =(
love your style..!
Just relatively recent, the cousin can take his cousin down the horse, and no one can deny him that right. But things have changed, among so many other things
The close nit society we have and its closed rules of marriage have opened up to an extent that we lost the old beautiful structure.
Yes our souls keep traveling to that era and enjoy whatever memories left. Sometimes I wish I were born in that time, the time of cavalry, strength of character, and so much romance and love that are as pure as snow.
This story again brings back the memory of the Family house with all the kids, grandkids, and even grand-grandkids all living together and so close and strongly tied.
Sa2a Allah 3ala hadeek elayam
the family house :) .. you have no idea how much I enjoy it when my auntes -uncles from both sides start speaking about those memories and troubles they used to make when they all were living in one house , sharing almost everything , and the hilarious situations that used to take place for phewww God Knows what reasons . you will find a taste of that in Nabulsiat biography .
waw dana..i'm highly touched..u r a good writer indeed..cuz i could see the events of the story ..good job ...
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