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Mental escape of the day
I am craving for a break ! I need a break .. seriously .. everything around me is driving me nuts .. And it consumes a lot of my remaining energy to follow up my work and do everything that I am supposed to be doing, time is simply flying when you need it most . Its in such times that I have this crazy fantasy of running away to some little cottage in a mountain with a lake outside and lots of green bushes around, fresh clean air , no pollution or street noises , only calmness and peacefulness all around , where I can go sit on the shady terrace with a nice book and have nothing to worry about in my mind other than the moment I am living .. Wouldn't that be neat !?
I do realize the fact that such combination only exists in my dreams, obviously ,because I cannot run on my own , moreover, there are mountains but no lakes here in Jordan , and finally , I don't have a cottage house!!
I think I'll have to accept the fact that my warm tea mug next to me along with these lines are the only logical escape I will be having for the rest of the day ..
You talk as if your in my life ….some times I wish I can travel away to some place and just relax and think of nothing, no meetings, no reports, no dead lines …just beautiful nature …silence ( or at least natural sounds) and a good book ….oh what I would not give to do that.
But unfortunately when ever I travel I end up being more busy than when home, a lot to see ..a lot to do and never enough time, and I need not say any thing about travel for work and conferences. Blahhh
You know some times, I get so stressed out with the world, that I wish I can crawl into my closet and close, the door and see nor talk to any one !! Wouldn't that be nice?
So Danah here is a proposition, when you decide to go on a vacation out side Jordan just for the purpose of relaxing …let me know and I will join you…what do you say ?
I know the " crawl into my closet and close, the door and see nor talk to any one" thing ! Girl .. you speak out my mind .. that’s my thing .. lol =) .. its soooooo relieving to know that I am not the only one having such thoughts .. And its not because I hate people around me or I can't stand them.. but its simply because I need my own quality calm time with no one interrupting me .. more like a reset of my system !
=) and I say ,, I'M IN ! and same goes for you Tamara ;)
Well lets see Danah, I'm going camping to Wadi Rum on the 27\28th , and on the end of Aug I promised a friend we will go to Aqaba for a few days, otherwise I have no vacation plans this year so I'm totally up for suggestions : )
I have no vacation plans this year :(.. The one I was planning got totally ruined by Israelis!
Going to Wadi Rum .. sounds cool ! I am curious to know how can you book to go there.. is it via one of the offices here ?
never ask about mysterious ways
asalam 3alaykom,
Hey danah..nice post ..
know?I've always thought that some day i will stop feeling the need that i want to know ,when you start doing all you want in life you'd think that this urge will end..but aparantly it doesn't..who knows may be a vacation will pop up suddenly for you..
thank you for sharing:)
The caller,
Allah y6ammen 2albek .. so there is no way to stop this urge of "I wanna escape" from popping up ! lol ..
I guess an escape is a must .. because again I think it’s a way to reset one's system .
Joe and MAZZ1983 ,
First .. thank you both for stepping by come more often !
And Mazz , one may think its easy but it never is , because as you said, one has obligations in life that he or she cannot just throw them and run (wouldn't be awesome if that was possible) … if I ever found my escape .. I will share it with all of you .. I guess I'll stick to mental escapes for the mean time !
Hey folks .. I live in such a place ... but I have to warn you, "Janneh bala nas ... ma btindas"
You're all welcome to come and visit for couple of weeks :)
This definitely explains how can you get mused all the time .. different topics to post ;) , having all those beautiful serene sights around you !
I have to say .. I am feeling a bit jealous =D !
As I said, you're welcome to come and visit, you can also check the pictures I posted about Sixty-01
Danah ..sorry I did not visit for a while I'm busy to say the least !!
As for Wadi Rum many tourist companies in Amman organize such visits ..I'll get u numbers if you like ...
Qwaider ...does that invitation include every one ??
Nice site..
Qwaider ... are these pictures taken near your residence??! Very soothing scenery .. is that stream natural ?
Hey Tamara ,
yes please, this would be very helpful, at least I'll have the numbers whenever i make up my mind .. and if it was your first time going there .. please details me on how was it .. and if you recommend it =)..
Ebal , thank you .
Sure, no single eligeable chicks are allowed alone here :) they should at least bring Mi7rem
Am waiting for new posts from have been lazy recently !!
Thanks Osaid :)
Inshallah very soon .. I have number of ideas that i am working on ..
Sorry it took me for ever to get back to you with the number its for " sharkiket al athar" we were supposed to go with them, and I say supposed to cuz we didn't due to current situation in Lebanon, we just could not go camping for fun while people are in camps escaping bombs ...
any way the umber is ( 06-5562766)but in Waseet news paper you will find many other numbers.
Oh and yes ...lazy lazy Danah cammon !! : )
You guys :) .. you know .. instead of commenting i should really post some blogs ! i know .. this way i would be still psoting and telling you more why i've lazy ..
Tamara :) .. thanks for the number .. sorry to hear it didn't workout to go :S , and i know what you talk about .. however, I cought a brochure of a one day / one night trip to Wadi Rum with RSCN .. if you are interested .. I can email it to you ..
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