I just cannot understand what's going on in Palestine anymore.. why? Why is this chaos taking place? Why is everybody throwing accusation on the other's shoulders? Why is everyone trying to show the ugly part of the other? Why have they diverted from the one basic and original cause which standing one against occupation, to self and political wins matters? Why all of the sudden killing of other's children is a tool to punish a person who is a parent before being a person holding any political position or being in authority ? What by Allah's name justifies the civil war Palestinians are being driven into? And the most important question is.. Who is the beneficiary?

It surely can't be any of the Palestinian parties involved, because if they think they do, then struggle is surely doomed...
I Hate politics ....the problems we have is because they look at personal gains and political future and not the benefit of the cause or the people !! their priorities are not correct and hence the situation
True Abu Shakuush this is the way many ppl think ..I hope it wont get any worse too .. but with the rapid developments .. I just don't know ..
I know what you mean Tamara and YES .. this is exactly what I am talking about .. they are all forgetting and HIDING behind what the Palestinian people REALLY need and WANT .. and its surely not this ridiculous fight on power ..
I dont know .. but I think eno elmawdo3 wesel lahon la2ano kan fi fetneh fi elnos , kan fi nas dokhala2 estaghallo elforsa w sha3alo elnar !
6ab3an had mo ma3nah enno ma 3alehom 7a2 bs bardo ma weslat la hon ella besabab wojod nas madsoseen!
Its not only possile ,, but sure 7ala hat there are "nas madsoseen" .. yet , the ones in authority are are forgetting about the poor people , fighting about their political wins !
a2olik lish?
l2no biom mn el ayyam fkrna eza sart ente5bat o el kol sharak btkon 3na demokratia,,,,o nsena eno b wade3 e7telal el moqawama lazem etdal moqawma!
a555 bs law dalena 3ala 3maliat 7mas o fasad fate7 msh kan ar7am shwi ....kan bdal b 5ialna 3ala el a2al msfhom lal moqawma!!!!
You could be right Iman .. election under occupation seems like a joke .. forgetting that there is no free well under occupation ..
Thanks for coming by here .. and hope will see you again :) ..
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