I had an extremely busy week at work the past few days , and I've been cut out from the world of blogging for a while ,hopefully I'll be back to read my favorite blogs and post more thing now.
Exhibitions are usually boring, nerves burning and tiring by all means! having to stand up most of the time, being nice and talkative to people visiting, networking,on stand by mode for any one inspecting about the business line, to give a full detailed explanation for the really interested visitors, and even when the audience are out of the business scoop and end up to be random individuals looking for neat giveaways to take home and blabber about.
However, the Dead Sea ICT forum is more oriented and well organized to serve the genuinely interested individuals and companies in the information, communication and technology sectors.
I won't be diving into the technicalities and the agenda of sessions and discussions of the forum, nor the latest that has been officially announced or launched within, since I believe many other bloggers ((whom I have seen and recognized there, and to tell you the truth it was fun seeing them in real)) has already shared that with you in a very professional and elaborating form. I would only say that we have participated as partners with Int@j . After participating as delegates for the past years.
So, yesterday, I had to wake up early to take my time dressing up and attending the work before time to head afterwards with colleagues toward the Dead sea , convention palace.
So, yesterday, I had to wake up early to take my time dressing up and attending the work before time to head afterwards with colleagues toward the Dead sea , convention palace.
The palace was crowded for sure; you would sense the business aura in the air, everybody pulling up the professional business looks and smiles, looking sleek and shiny. People were mingling, shaking hands, and business chatters all over the place.
I attended part of the conference opening, and then headed back to the booth, where we had a very busy, yet promising attendance.
After lunch, the session period started, and traffic on booths went down to minimum. However, the only session I attended was "Outsourcing Trends in the Region" which had a very interesting group of speakers and discussions .I would sum it up and say : people , outsourcing will be playing a part in the business process in this region in the coming few years !!
I attended part of the conference opening, and then headed back to the booth, where we had a very busy, yet promising attendance.
After lunch, the session period started, and traffic on booths went down to minimum. However, the only session I attended was "Outsourcing Trends in the Region" which had a very interesting group of speakers and discussions .I would sum it up and say : people , outsourcing will be playing a part in the business process in this region in the coming few years !!

By the end of that session , I had no energy left to keep my eyes open , my feet were killing me for wearing the high heals for the whole day and standing up , climbing stairs , and my brains were about to explode after all of those business discussions during the day .
To conclude I would say All in all, it was good event to attend.
And … Its good to be back !
طب زمّروا ... غردوا... احكولنا "قبل" الموضوع...
يالله يا ستّي اليوم كنت جاي بعدين كسّلت..
المهم شكرا عالمقال الجميل و الشامل.. و الله يعطيكي العافية
LOL :) .. Its all over the papers Qwaider !
Thank you for passing by and for you kind comment .. yalla inshallah you'd attend next year .
صحيح ... بس احكيلك شغلة... يعني و انا بإجازة بدّي اطالع بيبرز!؟و بما انّك من المحششين بالمعرض... يعني يا دينا الاقربون اولى بالمعروف... صح؟
طيّب... بسيطة... شو طابخين اليوم؟
Wallah ya3teke el 3afie...
a7la eishi el shoghol bel ma3ared...ya3ni men kotor ma ho 7elo 3omro ma jarabto...
Danah, A3anaki Allah wasdada kh6aki
wawasa3 fi rizquki.
QwaiderWell .. yeah , ppl tend to spend a free-news vacation usually ..
yalla baseeta .. next year inshallah :)..
jaj ma7shi .. kteeeeeer zaki !!
Wallah Allah y3afeek :) .. lol .. wallahe ma beddak waja3 harras .. ho elo 7asanato o elo saye2ato ..
Thank you for this generous prayer :).. Amin .
nice shots!
Welcome back, glad you enjoyed : ) the thing with conferences and shows that they can be only one of two extremely informative and useful or a complete waste of time.
so who did you see there ?
Thanks Horani :)
Tamara :) .. thank you ..
well, I could say that this one has been very good.
Actually .. I've seen some bloggers whom are pretty much "famous" on the JP :) .. Issam Bayazidi http://isam.bayazidi.net/ from Maktoob , they were launching Araby.com this ICT forum , and they were right across our booth , I think he is one of JP's founders. I have also shared the lunch table with Lina Ejailat from Fastlink http://linasturmoil.blogspot.com/ and Ahmad Humaid from Syntax http://www.360east.com/
Though I should say , I did not introduce myself as a blogger , prefered being anonymous ,one thing because I feel more comfy this way ..
I've only chatted with Lina & Ahmad , very nice well informative people.
Dandoush welcome back 7abibty , w ya3teeky el3afyeh ya 3sl :)
Thanks 7ala for the nice words .. o Allah y3afeeky ya rab :)
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